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Lip Conditioner is an All-Rounder

Lip Conditioner is an All-Rounder

Before and After - Camel Milk Skincare
My son and daughter were both born premature and as a result of that, they suffer a lot with lung issues. During the last couple of years, we’ve spent quite a lot of time in hospital.  This year my 18 month old Tommy was on oxygen and was being tube fed. The tape that was used to attached the medical equipment to his face caused red irritation on his skin. He also had a rash near his lips from dribbling which also caused extra irritation and discomfort. 

Camel Milk Lip Balm

I used the Summer Land Camels Lip Conditioner to help calm his skin after the tape was removed and it settled down the red irritated skin very quickly. Near his lips where he had the rash I also used it and it cleared up as well. I use this product for so many things.  It’s great as a nappy rash balm too – the Lip Conditioner is an all-rounder for me!

Nikki Ridgewell

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